In today’s modern and busy world, we tend to forget about everything. We can no longer find time to see the news on TV nor read a paper.
Be in the know with SmartyAlerts. From sports to movies to current events and everything that you need to be updated with, it’s all in SmartyAlerts. Know which movies are currently showing on the theater, be up to date with entertainment and be on the lookout for the latest about politics.
Be in the know with SmartyAlerts. From sports to movies to current events and everything that you need to be updated with, it’s all in SmartyAlerts. Know which movies are currently showing on the theater, be up to date with entertainment and be on the lookout for the latest about politics.
SmartyAlerts will pull data pertinent to specific subjects you desire from various sources and send them to you via E-mail and sms delivery to your mobile phone.
- Monitors, tracks and automatically reports current events, news and other crucial info you need to keep up to date and in the know.
- You select the specific alerts you would like to receive.
- You select if you would like to be updated on these subjects daily, weekly or monthly.
- You select the delivery method of these SmartyAlerts, whether you want an email or text alert.
- Customers need to activate the account by visiting the SmartyAlerts website.
Visit for more information and for subscription.
So what are you waiting for? Be up to date, subscribe to SmartyAlerts!
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